The kids left to visit their father two weeks ago, and with them, any sense of responsible adultness left too. Since I resigned in June from the previous position, and don't start the new one 'til August, I've had nothing required to do. Nothing. Not a thing. While that's normally anathematic to my personality, it's been quite nice (just for the time being).
The Man and I have had this time to ourselves (much needed, as I'll be travelling from Day 1 of the new job, 90% of the time), and it's been lovely. Lazy days of puttering on the boat (if you call installing a head and diving the boat "puttering"), midday naps, evenings under the stars. But today? Today is all mine, and it's about damn time...
He's at work, doing a 24 hour shift, and I had the whole bed to myself last night. Slept in late this morning (8:30, good grief!), and had whipped cream on my coffee (pure indulgence, mmmmm).
The house is silent, save for the gurgling of the fountain on the front patio, and the steady drone of the cicadas in the trees outside. The doors and windows are all open, as the monsoon season has begun, and the heavy humidity is a warm blanket of loveliness. If I squint my eyes, the green weeds that have taken over the back garden almost look lush and tropical, and for a moment- just a moment- I can pretend I'm not living in the god-forsaken hell that is this hole in the desert.
I'm off to enjoy the peace and quiet and solitude. The kids come home tonight, contractors invade the house tomorrow to finish all my unfinished projects, and life returns to it's normal whirlwind pace. We're off to the Deep South next week to scout colleges for Eldest, then I have five hours between landing from vacation and flying out again for work the next morning.
But for now, I'm going to take my coffee to the front porch to enjoy these last few hours of silence.
Sunset snapshot from my week: