Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Staring Into the Face of 40...

...And what I see in the mirror are wrinkles, laugh lines, sun spots, and more gray hairs than I had a year ago. But it's the face of a life well lived so far. And I'm determined to keep on living that way.

It wasn't ideal timing, financially, but my local bike shop made me a deal I couldn't refuse. I've known the guys there for years, and have spent many a weekend night hanging out with them either at the shop, the lake, or at our local pub. So when some jerk stole my bike over Fourth of July, my bike shop guys were keen to find me a replacement. And hurrah, they found one for me! I picked it up just yesterday, an early 40th birthday present to myself. And I put 17 miles on it last night, grinning ear to ear and adding to those laugh lines etched on my aging face.

In addition to this beauty, I picked up a 'well-loved' bike for $20 from the local thrift shop in my temporary Midwest home. I left it at the bike shop there last Friday before flying home, and they're restoring her to her former glory... or getting it ride-able, anyway. So now I've got something I can ride there to burn off stress after a long day at work, and now a beautiful new bike here to ride on the weekends I'm home. Life is looking up at the moment, despite the curve balls it keeps throwing at me.

It's a good start to a new decade. I'm loving life, even with all it's wrinkles and imperfections.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!!! :) So glad you got a new bike. Our 30 miler was fantastic, sadly when we came home and settled in, my mother in law passed away that night. So... yeah... things have been crazy... and sad... and enlightening. And then my son logged into his gmail account and I couldn't log into mine... Thanks for checking on me! Forty isn't so bad... you just have to remember to enjoy the ride down the hill after the steep climb up. :)
